Yes: Your Life Matters, Too

In response to the Black Lives Matters movement, I have seen some really, really dumbass remarks, T-shirts, and postings on Facebook. Such things as “Deplorable Lives Matter” and a Policeman with “My Life Matters” written on his palm.

What the hell is this crap. Who said your life did not matter. Of course your life matters. No one said it didn’t, did they? Am I missing something? Are you that insecure that you have to jump on the bandwagon to remind people that your life is important as well? Well, I will tell you; it does. Even if, in the case of some idiots, I disagree with you.

All lives matter! In fact, personally, I believe all lives matter so much that I am against the death penalty simply because I fear that the judicial system gets it wrong enough times that they execute innocent people. Thus, it is important to protect those people’s lives.

But then again, I suspect that many people who protest with these alternative “… Lives Matter” refrains are not really are not saying their live matters so much as they are trying to protest against the Black Lives Matters movement. Closet racism with the closet door ajar. You think? I do.

No one in the Black Lives Matters thinks that only Black lives matter. No where did anyone ever say that and only a damned fool would think so. No where did anyone ever say that Black lives matter more than anyone else’s either and, once again, only a damned fool would think so.

What the Black Lives Matters movement is all about is that they are saying the Black lives should matter as much as everyone else’s does. Pure and simple. And before you protest too much and pontificate too much, the truth is out there; history tells us they have not mattered as much. If a person dies in an encounter with the police and they are white there is almost always a thorough investigation; not so much with minorities, especially Blacks. Blacks are more frequently stopped by police for no apparent, or minor, reasons that result in violence; often causing harm, or even death, to the person.

The bottom line is that the Black Lives Matters movement is trying to draw the line on this miscarriage of street justice. Where rogue police have generally been able to harm and kill Blacks with little or no consequences.

Black Lives Matters is about holding police accountable for their actions against Blacks, just as they are generally held accountable against Whites. BTW: if a policeperson is choking a White person to death, that person’s life matters as well; don’t you think – I do.