Who is Really Winning

Thought for the day:

The Republican Party has only won 1 Presidential Election by Popular Vote in the 21st Century.

And there is a double caveat there:

1) it was won by an incumbent who lost the popular vote in the previous election – no matter what you think about the Florida clusterfuck, Bushy lost the popular vote in 2000.


2) it was won in no small part by the successful campaign to make a hero into a coward and a coward into a hero – I never could figure how a man who received multiple Purple Hearts and decorations for valor could be shown to be a coward, while at the same time a person hiding in the Texas National Guard, and refusing medical flight fitness exams because he was a drunk can be called a hero.

But then again, it might be my political bias. I think it is my love of the TRUTH.

In any case, the flipping Republican Party’s message is generally a flipping failed message and the only reason they are viable is because of the anomaly of the Constitution that gives power to the minority. Keep in mind though. The majority is pissed. When they finally get a chance, they will step (flipping stomp) on the minority so bad that they will never see the light of day in their lifetime.