What would I do?

I see basically good people support Trump. Yes, they are good people despite my knee-jerk desire and willingness to lump them all into a group of stupid, naïve, racist, or terrible people. Many of them are influence by their innocence, certainly. Many are not very involved in politics at all and have always voted Republican regardless of who was running. Many are sadly influence by an insidious atmosphere of conservative rhetoric fostered by various religious “leaders” in the last few years; thus sometimes supporting candidates based on nothing more than the party’s stand on one or two issues.

Oh, yes, there is a surprisingly large number of people who have climbed from under the rocks and out of the woodwork as of late. After all, they finally have “their” President; a person who champions all of the mean, nasty, despicable things they stand for and have often needed to hide in order to function in society; it was that of go to jail in some cases. These are the true core element of the Deplorables.

But as much as I know in my heart that many of these supporters do not support the terrible policies that Trump supports; they are not racists, bigots, misogynists’, or xenophobes; they would never make fun of people with physical infirmities as he does. In other words, they are far better people than he is and would not support him if he were not on the Republican ticket.

For some reason, they have abandoned their core values to vote for him, probably again, and to actively support him. I do not understand it. I really do not because I would not do it. At least I hope I would not.

It did get me to thinking though. What if I was faced with such a candidate on the Democratic Party ticket. I would like to say I would vote for the Republican. And, looking back in history there are several examples of Republican candidates in recent years I would have had no problem voting for; they just had the misfortune (in my opinion) of running against someone I thought could do a better job. For the record, I am speaking of Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. That would be a no-brainer. If I was faced with a POS running on the Democratic ticket and there was a quality candidate running on the Republican ticket; I would vote Republican.

But what if the Republican was crappy as well. Do I flip a coin? Do I go for the lesser evil? Realistically in this primary cycle there were some people who were obviously unqualified in any way, shape, or form to be President running in the Democratic primaries. If one of them had won; what would I have done? In this case, and only this case, it would have also been a no-brainer. I would have supported the Democratic candidate and hope she or he would have grown into the job. Why? Because the hope that someone would grow into the presidency was a better hope that having the current POS spend four more years ruining the country as a given.