What money means

I am going to meet with my financial planner next week. I am still trying to extricate myself from bad financial expenditures left over from things I did for Sandy.

My financial planner has been understanding but has been advising me of the big monitory mistakes I have been making for years and if I am not mistaken, I will likely need another year to fix it all, and it will be expensive.

Here is the secret though. On paper, before taxes, I am a millionaire, albeit barely. The things I did to make Sandy’s life a little better was worth it, in spades. Even if it ultimately costs me everything.

Money does not mean anything if you do not use it. If I made Sandy’s life better, there is no value.

In fact, I would live a life in a room with a bathroom down the hall, relying on food stamps to have a few more good months with Sandy.

Money is worthless.