Veteran’s Benefits

You know I had a stupid brain fart.  Do not take this seriously.  It is a brain fart, pure and simple.

We see various veteran’s benefits available all of the time.  Low interest loans, special discounts, access to insurance benefits, preferential hiring in government jobs, etc.  But built into these benefits is the fact that these benefits are discriminatory under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  If you are mentally or physically capable of serving in the military you could never avail yourself of these benefits; thus these benefits are not available to people with disabilities.

You may argue that they are because many of the people who get these benefits are disabled in one form or another.  However, they were not when they enlisted in the military.  How could this be remedied?

  1. Remove benefits for veterans.  This is a no go as these benefits were promised to them and they should not be punished.
  2. Extend these benefits to disabled people.  This is a no go as who is to judge who qualifies.
  3. Extend these benefits to those who tried to enlist and were rejected.  This is a no go as people who know they could not pass the entrance exams or physicals may not have even tried.
  4. Extend these benefits to everyone.  This seems like the only possibility, even though they are not special benefits anymore but what choice do you have?