Vaccine Distribution

In the State of Oregon, the Governor has decided to place the 100,000 K-12 Teachers, Administrators, and School Workers in front of the elderly in the prioritization for Covid-19 vaccination shots. Why? Well, the justification is that there is a rise in childhood suicide. A local TV station, KGW-8, has been addressing this issue. They openly ask for input regarding their stories. The following is an email I sent to the host, outlining my feelings.


I know the following is long.  Hopefully you read this but if not, I got it off my chest.

Many people, including myself, have weighed in on the decision regarding the State of Oregon’s decision to jump K-12 educators and workers in front of the elderly for the scarce supply of Covid-19 vaccine.  I know that often the cry for unfairness is based upon one’s own desire for a place in the line.  However, in this case, the complaints seem to be large enough to warrant the belief that it is not merely those directly and immediately affected by this decision.

I know that the stated reason for the decision is the supposed rise in childhood suicides.  Childhood suicides are definitely a problem and should not be taken lightly and much, much more should be done about them.  However, the increase in suicides is not being supported by facts.  Also, as stated in your show, instructors are not trained to identify, counsel, or prevent said suicides and there is no evidence, real or apocryphal, to suggest classroom environments help.  In fact, school environments sometimes exacerbate the situation given such situations as bullying.  If school were the answer, why does the state allow home schooling?  Besides, the school districts seem to be in no hurry to begin “in person” schooling anytime soon.  Even then, there seems to be no attempt for it to be in a real meaningful timeframe for educators to interdict in suicide prevention.  Thus, there is another agenda that is being propagated that we know nothing about.

I wish to use an analogy regarding what we are encountering now.

Suppose we were on a sinking ship.  Suppose there was a room full of life vests but we could only get to them through a hole in the wall.  Now we are pulling out the vests and passing them out to everyone, hopefully accomplishing the task before the ship sinks.  Whom do you give the vests to?  To the ones who need it most right now.  You do not look into the future.  You react to now.  In this case the old people who have to jump in the water with no vest will die.  The young strong swimmers will have a chance.  Neither decision is pretty but someone has to make it. 

The other solutions are less pretty.  Like giving it to the person based upon wealth, or supposed contribution to society, or intelligence.  Get the idea.  I wonder if the power of the Teacher’s Union has anything to do with this decision.  Truthfully, I am not always the biggest believer in conspiracy theories but one has to wonder.

BTW: in case you think it is personal, it is to a degree. I am old enough to be in one of the first phases of vaccines on hold. However, I do have an appointment for a shot. Thus, while somewhat personal, not directly. My issue – Fair is fair.