Trump Won – BULLSHIT

At some point in time the people contending that Trump won, including Donald Trump, have to abandon that stinking rotting myth.

Let us face the facts. Trump did not win. There is not even a scenario whereby he could have won.

You want facts. Trump needed an additional 38 electoral votes to have won. Let us look at the five contested states that went to Biden.

  • Arizona – 11 electoral votes – Biden won by 10.5k votes. Manual recount confirmed the vote in Maricopa County.
  • Wisconsin – 10 electoral votes – Biden won by 20.5k votes.
  • Michigan – 16 electoral votes – Biden won by 154k votes.
  • Pennsylvania – 20 electoral votes – Biden won by 71.7k votes.
  • Georgia – 10 electoral votes – Biden won by 11.8k votes.

The quickest way for Trump to get the 270 electoral votes would be to turn around Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. Figure it out, Skippy, that is reversing 94k (that is 94 thousand) votes. Not going to happen. Fact of life.

Before someone blames voting machines, I call Bullshit again ( Voter Fraud – My Gluteus Maximus ). Prove one, just one documented example. You cannot.

So Trump did not win, could not come up with any scenario whereby he could win.

In fact, anyone who still contends that Trump won, is responsible for the divide in the country. Also, I will NOT treat them with any respect. How can I?

An aside

Difference in integrity, difference in political party. In 2000, Al Gore lost the Presidency by a 537 vote difference in Florida. It also included legal, but ethically questionable actions by the Secretary of State for Florida. Followed by a Supreme Court ruling where 5 of the Justices should have recused themselves for conflict of interest (family members involved in Bush campaign/administration).

In other words, kind of a Third World outcome. What did Gore do? Conceded the election. What did Democrats do? Bitched and moaned and then accepted George W. Bush as President.

Different person, different part.


  • “Here are…Stories from All Over the United States about Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election:

    Ignored by DOJ: Whistleblower reported plan to ’embed’ 35,000 fraud votes for each Democrat in Pima County Arizona – Decemver 15, 2021

    Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence – November 19, 2021

    Federal indictment alleging Iranian election hack further erodes narrative of perfect 2020 election – November 16, 2021

    Georgia Voter Group finds Massive Evidence of Fraud and will move to have 2020 De-Certified – November 5, 2021

    Wisconsin Sheriff Makes Five Criminal Referrals For Election Commissioners – November 5, 2021

    Lawsuit filed against Michigan for over 25,000 suspected dead registered voters still on rolls – November 4, 2021

    Pennsylvania governor fingered for routing private election grants to Democrat areas – October 31, 2021

    Narrative of a perfect 2020 election eroding as Wisconsin becomes investigative ground zero – October 28, 2021

    Sheriff in Racine, Wisconsin find election fraud and says members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission committed election fraud – October 28, 2021

    Cyber Ninjas Responds to MARICOPA COUNTY (AZ) ANALYSIS OF SENATE REVIEW – October 27, 2021

    Wisconsin Senate to launch its own 2020 election investigation – October 26, 2021

    Demand for forensic audits of 2020 election in all 50 states rapidly gaining support – October 24, 2021

    Pennsylvania’s election audit on hold amid subpoena lawsuit – October 23, 2021

    MSM will ignore the illegal ballot stock in Maricopa in 2020 but people know – October 11, 2021

    Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, Bill Gates, admitted today (10-7-21) that they intentionally deleted election data to route it onto an archive file. (Watch the Video!) The archives of the county records were not subpoenaed, that way the county could avoid sending the full 2020 election data to the auditors. Except that the Subpoena REQUIRED them to turn over ALL Election Records! They DID NOT! Is this NOT Obstruction of a Legal Government Investigation??? Is this NOT against the law to knowingly violate a legal Subpoena that was upheld by a State Judge and ordered to be complied with???

    92 state legislators demand 50-state election audit and consequences – October 6, 2021

    Arizona Senate president warns state could take control of Maricopa election after audit red flags – October 3, 2021

    Arizona AG Demands Maricopa County Freeze All 2020 Election Materials, Releases Statement On Audit – Septmeber 30, 2021

    In-Depth Discussion of AZ Senate Forensic Audit Results by panel including Patrick Byrne, Jovan Pulitzer, Seth Keshel, Steve Montenegro and others. – September 26, 2021

    What’s Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND! – September 20, 2021“


    • So far every investigation in your claims have been dismissed and are only propagated by certain aspects of society. Isn’t it funny that the Senators and Congresspeople down the ticket are claiming fraud on their elections.