Trump Supporters

Hopefully for the last time:

To those whom I will not engage in political discussions with until they disavow Trump.

I do not give a crap about his politics. He is an evil reprehensible person. He is a lying, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic self-serving person whom I suspect is, if tested, clinically insane.

I have known Republicans and Conservatives all my life that have values that should share my absolute disgust with this person’s actions.

The fact that you still support him means either you agree with his obvious lying unhealthy rotten values or you are willing to ignore them to have your man in power.

I honestly do not know what is more troubling nor more reprehensible.

I do know that I WILL NOT have any political discussion with you because either of the two categories described above eliminates your input from conversation between decent human beings.

People, people, people

I admit that I give no quarter when I say that Trump is a canchre sore or the ass of humanity.

I admit that I will not discuss politics with anyone who still supports Trump.


I will discuss anything but politics with a Trump supporter, even though I have to filter their comments based upon their concept of reality.

I will discuss anything with anyone, regardless of political affiliation, as long as they accept the fact that Trump is a reprehensible individual who does not belong in the political makeup of America.

Think I exaggerate the problem?

Saw on the news tonight that in the aftermath of the 2020 election, 39 states participated in one form of audit or recount and there have been countless Federal and State lawsuits challenging the votes.

So far not one flipping recount, not one flipping audit, not one flipping Federal lawsuit, and not one flipping State lawsuit has changed the results in one state, district, count, or precinct. In fact, the 2020 election has been adjudged as the most reviewed, audited, aboveboard, and FAIR in the history of the United States of America.

Yet the same news report stated that 38% of the people think the election was rigged (in effect, Donald Trump won). The fact that they are wrong is not the problem. The fact that there is no proof for any of these allegations is not the problem.

What is the problem is that their only source for believing this crap is from the mouth of Donald Trump himself. This is a man who (amongst his other faults) posted lies on his first day in office because he needed to inflate his ego, lied about the election, tried to coerce others to corrupt the election results, called upon his minions to riot and attempt a treasonous overthrow of the government, and still claims he won.

My God, I knew that we were not a nation of Einsteins but, on one single issue, we have shown the world that 38% of Americans are so damned stupid and Bug-ass nuts that they would march in step for the next Fuhrer! Only this time, instead of brown shirts, they will wear dumbass red ball caps with something like maggot on it.