Too Close To Home?

I recently posted a comment on Facebook something of a rant about some Bernie Bro’s. (For the uninitiated, I borrowed the term Bernie Bro’s from Hillary Clinton to describe the fanatical backers of Bernie Sanders who were so enamored with him that they were ready and willing to accept and pass on any lie about him or his opponents that was on the internet to promote him, regardless of the consequences,) In this case, one of the Bernie’s campaign co-chair’s, Nina Turner, said voting for Joe Biden was like eating a “bowl of shit”. Of course this was reported on Fox Noise News for the edification of the pro-Trump followers.

I posted her comment on Facebook with this message “Another reason I never trusted Bernie Bro’s. They do not have any prospective“. Additionally, I later added the comment “You know, the more I think about it the harder it is for me to differentiate between a Bernie Bro and a M.A.G.A.t, other than their politics. Same fanatical POV and lack of reality.

The funny thing is that anytime I rail against Trump I get a bunch of “Like’s” on Facebook. That is understandable as most of my friends are relatively liberal (most of my non-liberal friends have unfriended me long ago). But to diss Bernie or his followers seems sacrilege.

That does not make it any less true. The problem seems that many of the people on my Facebook friends list are pro-Bernie and do not want to hear the truth.

Let us look at Bernie Bro’s and Bernie Believers.

Bernie Believers are those who believe in the messages and ideas of an America the Bernie Sanders proposes. They are often fanatical in their support of him. They are often unwilling to see any fault with his ideas or limitations of his agenda. But that is probably as it should be. After all, they are believers in his vision, his dream of the way things should be.

Then we have the Bernie Bro’s. They take this vision a whole lot further. It is as if they have deified Bernie Sanders, thus demonizing all others. Strangely, the subject of their demonization is his Democratic opponent; first Hillary Clinton in 2016 and no Joe Biden in 2020. They are willing to spread every vicious, terrible, rotten lie that comes up on the internet or Facebook and try to make it go viral. They disregard Bernie Sanders’ own call for party unity and openly call for voter opposition to the person who legally and honestly won the primaries against him. Oh, yes, there have been some voter irregularities in the primaries. However, none sufficient to have made a difference in a single primary, save Nevada in 2016, to have changed to outcome in a single state’s primary. That is the truth, but they seem inured to the truth.

It is a disorganized organization of anti-Democratic outrage that can only benefit the Republican candidate. I have reached out to a few of the Bernie Bro’s and mentioned this to them and their response in, quite frankly, that they did not care. They were so selfishly unhappy that they were unwilling to accept the fact that the majority of Democrats did not share their vision that they were going to disrupt the process any way they could.

Bernie Himself

You know another thing that Bernie has never, and I repeat never, disassociated himself from these bottom-feeders, any less than Donald Trump has disassociated himself from the M.A.G.A.t’s. Now I am not saying that he has openly embraced them or courted them. Nevertheless, he has never disavowed them either. Even after he lost both runs for the Presidency, he has let these slimy liars use his name to spread garbage without raising his voice in protest.

Did it cost the election for Hillary Clinton in 2016? I do not know. But it certainly did not help her and it certainly helped Donald Trump. Will it cost Joe Biden the election in 2020? I certainly hope not. But it will certainly help Donald Trump.

It just goes back to some of my objections to the character of Bernie Sanders. Remember his promise to remain a Democrat after the 2016 election? He reneged on that for his own personal reason. Then he “became” a Democrat again to run for President in 2020. He is not and never has been willing to work with others. He cannot and will not do anything to accomplish a goal. His agenda seems to be a pundit at all times.

Another Thought

I cannot help but consider another thought about the Bernie Bro’s. That is the source of their outrageous lies and misinformation, as well as the impetuous for the dissemination of those lies to them in the first place.

Let me say, first and foremost, that I have absolutely no proof of what I am about to say. I am merely looking at what is known and, using logic, extrapolating the known to a reasonable assumption.

It seems logical to me that the source of the garbage supporting the Bernie Bro’s attack on first Hillary Clinton and now Joe Biden comes from the Russian Facebook attack in support of Donald Trump. It is the only thing that makes sense to me. Think about it.


Fanatics are not limited to one party or one political point of view. Just because you happen to agree with the point of view of the fanatic does not free you from look at them and their ideas and statements with open eyes.

You must be willing to be as discerning of the statements from those you agree with as you are from those you disagree with.

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