To the Unvaccinated

Note: I first posted the first part of this on Facebook. Since then I have added an addendum

To the voluntary unvaccinated,

You know, I am not going to argue with you about your reasons for not being vaccinated.  I have heard almost every darned one of them and even if you could come up with yet another one, I can rest assured that it would share two main things with all of the others.  The reason is not based on science and it is just an excuse to do what you want to do anyway.

So now for the reason for this message. Based on the best information right now, if you stay unvaccinated you ARE going to get the Covid-19 virus, likely the Delta variant.  Many of you will be hospitalized.  Many of you will die.

Quite frankly, good riddance to you and your ilk.  Your personal agenda has put you in this position and you are either too stubborn or too stupid to see it.  Therefore, when you die, I will mourn your loss as I mourn the loss of all humans but I cannot regret it.

There is only one problem.  You can and will pass on the virus to those who are unvaccinated and cannot be vaccinated.  You will also pass on the virus to those who are already vaccinated in breakthrough cases.  There illnesses and deaths are on your damned heads.

You have been told what the ramifications of your actions are, yet you selfishly ignore them.



Since I first wrote this I have discovered that there is another outgrowth of your damned selfishness. When you get a case of Covid-19 that is bad enough to get hospitalized, and thousands of you are doing so every day, you are taking up nearly every available hospital beds. This includes beds that would be used for patients needing treatment or surgery for life-saving procedures for such things as heart conditions and cancer. When those beds are unavailable because your asses are in them unnecessarily, people will die. Many have already died because of your actions.

I know that I said “May you Rot and Burn in Hell” above but that is too good for you and I am not sure you would be welcome because I think the devil may have better standards.