To the Portland Conservative

On Friday, August 7, 2020 there was a post on the Daily Caller website that was titled “‘I Have To Keep My Mouth Shut’: Portland Resident Says Conservative-Leaning Beliefs Aren’t Welcome” (

Let me say that there is so damned much B.S. in this article that it reeks with misinformation. And I cannot help address this.

Let us examine the situation about her living in a city amid rioting. That is true as far as it goes. But the rioting occurs in the middle of the night most of the time. Also, and this is a big one, it only covers a few (I must repeat few) city blocks. I live in the Portland area and it is surprising to people from outside of the area that the so-called upheaval of Portland is condensed to an area of a few city blocks of downtown Portland, leaving the vast majority of Portland undisturbed. I sincerely doubt that 1) this person lives or works in this area (very, very little residential building in the area), 2) this person would be working hours when the rioting would occur, 3) this person could not avoid the rioting by driving a few blocks out of the way, and 4) this person would even be in the area as the police have it cordoned off. In short; her supposed concern about the rioters attacking her cars is in her mind and her mind only. The police, for all of their supposed shortcomings have done an excellent job of protecting the non-protesters from being engaged by the protesters. In a word, this person is making crap up.

As far as Conservative-leaning political views endangering her job. Highly doubtful. I worked in the business world and, trust me, most every businessperson I ever encountered was Conservative-leaning. On the other hand, if this person is in a position where she meets the public, I will admit her job may be in jeopardy if she chooses to wear a MAGA hat in Portland. Sorry to say it but Trump has divided the country that much. But I also would say that that is not unique to Portland, Oregon. I can give you a whole lot of places that will occur, just as I can give you a lot of places where wearing a MAGA hat will be welcomed. Thus, if (and I mean if) she has been told to keep her Conservative-leaning political views to herself, I would suspect that her views are radically conservative and she is in a position that is visible to the public.

It is obvious that much of what this person “fears” is in her mind. I know her perception may be her reality but that does not mean that it meets the smell test. It did not keep the journalist from exploiting it to make a story and posting it. If I did not know better, I would suspect a planted story.