To Readers/Subscibers

Generally speaking I do not directly acknowledge reader and Subscibers of this site. Not because I live in a vacuum or I am “above it all” but because if I write to the audience I will no longer be writing for myself. I appreciate the fact that people subscribe and read my postings and it does massage my ego, but I always try to remember that I am posting my thoughts for my reasons. If you want to ride along I am grateful and somewhat humbled by it. However, I cannot write to the audience that I know is out there or I will fail to truthfully write my thoughts clearly. The same goes for acknowledging these same people on an ongoing basis.

Now that I explained myself, I am going to write directly to my audience on this occasion.

The reason I have not posted in nearly 3 months is that my wife died at the end of September. She was my everything. I could wax poetically for hours describing the loss and I would just touch the surface. It hurts to even write this now. At some point I will be adding pages to this site dedicated and about her (not blog postings) but that has yet to come, just as when I will regularly be blogging again. If you do like my site, be patient.