Thoughts on Abortion

Listen up:
The youngest fetus to survive birth is 21 weeks and 1 day, and this was a one-off for a baby around 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. Want to guess what that baby’s chances were for normal growth, physically and intellectually? Didn’t think so.

Before that, there is no evidence and no proof that a fetus can survive. That is 148 days, people!

Now the anti-abortionists will tell you that this is a person. Why? What is their reasoning? It is rather simple. It is extremely heartfelt. It has been communicated to them by people that they absolutely trust and believe with all of their hearts. These anti-abortionists say that these fetuses have souls and are human beings because their ministers/pastors/reverends/church have told them so. Do not confuse them with such things like their Bible/Torah/Koran/whatever does not speak of it; do not confuse them with such things as their religious leaders have changed their minds about abortion over the year, decades, and centuries. This would just mess with their minds on their Holy Crusade. I often think of them like the Crusaders going to the Holy Land at the behest of the Pope and wiping out Christians because they didn’t look like them. But never mind; logic isn’t their strong suit. They have a Holy Mission.

But here is a test! The United States of America is founded on the principle of separation of Church and State (despite the biased Supremes). It is an essential part of our democracy. Find one single person arguing against the access to abortion that does NOT invoke God or Soul — both of which are religious axioms. I bet you cannot. I personally have not. As I have stated time and again, I am GENERALLY against abortion, but I 1) have seen far too many real, honest reasons for abortions to advocate their ban, and 2) I am not in the person’s shoes and will NOT pass judgement — nor should you (that is unless you are a pious hypocrite that is willing to have your life’s decisions be open for public scrutiny)!

Harsh? Damn Straight! But I am really, really tired of people trying to enforce their Religious POV into my and your daily life by pretending it is some kind of legal precedent. It is not. Anti-abortion is a religious issue and does not belong in our judicial system regardless of your personal POV!

I respect one’s religion. I respect one’s faith. What I have never respected, and after 71 years probably never will, is anyone imposing the faith, their belief, their religion on anyone else. That is specious, disrespectful, and, quit frankly, disingenuous on their part.

However, it is kind of understandable, despite my disgust as to their disrespect of others. After all, isn’t it part of their belief and faith that they are right and everyone else is wrong?

Well guess what? That is why The United States of America is unique! Your religious belief is not supposed to matter. Facts are supposed to matter. Facts say that a fetus before 21 weeks is not viable (realistically it is longer but I am not arguing that here). Facts do not take into consideration soul because there is no proof of it and it is a religious concept.

Thus, in The United States of America, not controlled by politically biased and motivated politicians and Supreme Court Justices, focusing on the United States Constitution can and should allow abortions: just like the Roe v Wade ruling in 1973.

The fact that the Supremes overturned it is the real travesty of this age — that is until these assholes come up with something even more egregious!