The N Word – Part 2

How little did I know that when I wrote my blog post on The N-Word not so long ago that I would be posting so soon about the same subject.  Nor did I think I would be posting regarding someone I really do not great deal of respect for.

John Schnatter is, in a relatively polite word, a jackass.  My first realization of this was, when in opposition, to “Obamacare” lamented that medical care for his pizza workers would be mean that the company have to raise the cost of the order by 25¢.  To top it off, he already paid his company-employed people healthcare.  He was “defending” his franchisees.  What an ass.

Next he pops off last fall about the kneeling protest by NFL players.  That ended up with him resigning as CEO from Papa John’s.

This latest incident; where he was found to say the “N-Word” in a hypothetical scenario was the last straw.  He has resigned from his own company and they are removing his image from their advertising.  Essentially he has becoming a non-person.  All because of the N-Word.

Now I hope that it turns out that this response turns out to be a true culmination of his “less than lovely” remarks and actions over the years.

Otherwise, if it really is for uttering the “N-Word” I am deeply troubled.  What the hell have we done?  Why are we empowering a stinking word with so much authority as to ruin lives?  Over a word?

The sad part is that we are reacting to the use of a word far more than we are reacting to the actions of people.