We have all heard of the Seven Deadly Sins. Most of us can name some of them but I bet most of us cannot name them all. Thus I looked them up. They are: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, and Pride.

Now when I was looking into it, I found articles that discussed additional deadly sins that should be included. it seems that there are some varying opinions as to what should or should not count. Suffice to say, there are plenty of sins and type of sins to go around. And there are certainly plenty of sins that could, and possibly should, be classified as Deadly Sins.

I am throwing my nominee in the ring for the ultimate Missing Deadly Sin. I think it outranks any deadly sin you can come up with. And that is the sin of Hypocrisy.

Now I know that is a hot button issue with me. I would argue that it should be a hot button issue with everyone else. From my prospective it is a way to accomplish all of the other sins. if you look at the other Seven Deadly Sins you will see a common theme. You will see they all relate to how a person interacts with their fellow man. How a person can be trusted and treated by others. How you can be counted on to carry your weight and how you can be counted in your relationships with others and how you can be counted on in life’s situations.

If you look at hypocrisy, you will see that this resonates the very same way. The hypocrite not only lies to everyone around them but most importantly they lie to themselves. In so many ways, I consider them to be the ultimate sinner.

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