The Changes in the Republican Party – Part 2

Recently I posted a blog The Changes in the Republican Party.  It was quit critical on the current state of the Republican Party. AS IT SHOULD BE.  Some would think that by the omission of a few recent Republican Presidential Candidates, I have purposely misrepresented the awful state of the party as it currently exists.

Nay, nay, I say.  I purposely omitted them so that I could include them in this separate missive.  The candidates in question are Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.  What do they have in common, besides being unsuccessful Republican candidates for the presidency?

  • Generally moderate in their point of view, even though still considered conservative.
  • They were not endorsed by the radical aspects of their “party”.
  • They were not strong advocates of some of the most conservative aspects of their party’s platform..
  • They were considered mavericks.  And by maverick, I assume that means that they have a mind of their own and did not march in lockstep and follow like sheep.

I am sure that a lot of Republican’s will just think of them as losers.  I look at them as old guard Republicans who seem to gravitate towards the people first and serving special interests as a secondary issue.

In short, these are representatives of what the Republican Party used to be, not what they are now.  I omitted speaking of them before because I did not want their efforts to be lost in the garbage that the current party represents.


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