I have been railing, justifiably, about just how bad Trump is and have been alluding to the fact that the Republicans could have done better by picking someone at random. But maybe not! Think about it. The Republican Party...
Tag - Trump
In the run-up to the election, after it was obvious to all but the most ardent Bernie Believers that Hillary Clinton was the de facto Democratic candidate for the presidency I had a Facebook conversation with someone. On the off...
After the fire – feed the lions We know the story of Emperor Nero. Allegedly, he had a great deal of Rome burned down in order to build a new palace (supposedly 100-300 acres in size). Whether that is true or not does not...
A few days ago, I saw an older woman wearing a shirt that said Deplorable Lives Matter. I must admit that it caught me flatfooted. I do not confront people in a public place anyway but even if I were so inclined, I would have...
The crazy unlikely election of Donald Trump On the surface, it would be absolutely impossible to predict the election of Donald Trump. No one in their right mind would ever expect or be convinced that Donald Trump would be...
Congressman Blumenauer; In the recent weeks since Donald Trump has become president, I have received more missives from you than in all of the years you have been in office up to this point. I get it, I really do. For the...
On reflection, I have tried to understand why I object to Donald Trump so much more than other politicians. I mean, the political stands of others such as W or Cruz or others have been equally reprehensible on the surface...
I thought I would share a comment from my conservative financial planner during our semi-annual face-to-face meeting the other day. We both know each other’s general political point of view, respect each other’s...
Who would have thunk! The worse enemy of the Trump Administration would be electronics – in the guise of video and audio recordings. The stupid shits cannot remember from one day to the next what lies they are spewing and...