Sound Educated

I was watching Bryant Gumbal on a “Finding Your Roots” show the other day and he said something interesting.  He said that his father instilled in him at a very early age that, upon visiting an uncle who spoke in the...

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I am constantly surprised about the amount of camouflage clothing people seem to be wearing.  Back years ago, it seemed to be mostly left over clothing worn by veterans or military surplus clothing bought on the cheap.  Good...

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Dear Clever Driver

I am sure that you believe that you are clever and smart.  You believe that you have discoverWed something that no everyone else is too damned stupid and dumb to have discovered.  You are so wrong it is ludicrous. We know we...

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I have observed people with the cell phones: Walk down the street. Driving. Steering their shopping carts. In a checkout line. Taking care of children. Interacting with another person face-to-face. Listening to TV/Radio. I have...

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Bad Driver

To the latest of the innumerable drivers who make a habit of cutting in front of me on the street. First of all, it was in a 35 MPH zone and I was doing the limit.  Second, you had to squeeze in spot of less than two car lengths...

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