St. Bernard

When are we finally going to get shed of Bernie Sanders?

Really. This has gone on far too long. Just like Donald Trump;

  • Popped up on the radar in 2016.
  • Has a great deal of open or covert support from Russia. Oh, I know that you will say that Bernie does not, but really? Look at his political bent and support base.
  • Has a lot of ideas with little real or practical understanding or plan to actually accomplish those ideas.
  • Has a dedicated following that is enamored with him to the point that they can not and will not listen to any negative truths about their character.
  • Is not really affiliated to any political party except for convenience.
  • Will likely run again in 2024, primarily because of their followers.

Why am I so harsh on Bernie. Because there is no there there. He has be in the House and Senate for 30+ years now and has authored 6 bills that have passed, and arguably only 1 or 2 of them are of any substance. He went into his second Presidential campaign without positions of such things as foreign policy and national security. Why? Because he wasn’t interested in that stuff.

Let’s face it. Bernie Sanders is a professional political pundit that just happens to be an elected official. He does have some good ideas that resonates with a large constituency; especially the young, poor, and underserved. Most notably those are the $15/hour minimum wage and Medicare for All. But when you look behind the curtain, it is not as nice as you would think it is. For instance, when he did introduce the $15/hour minimum wage bill it was to be fazed in over 7 years. Now is that as big a promise as it sounds on the campaign. And as a person on Medicare, I can tell you Medicare for All sucks. We should do better than that.

But they are good soundbites. The get on the nightly TV shows. The talk shows eat him up. The internet eats him up. People who do not do any research love him. Hell, even people who do some research are still enamored by him for some reason.

But even if you do not buy into my issues with him from above, there is one basic problem with him. He does not play well with others. He revels in being an outsider. He chooses to be an Independent, opting to be a Democrat merely so he can be on the ballots in all 50 states. Despite promises to the contrary, as soon as the election is over he reverts to Independent. Why is that important, you ask? Because he chooses this stance for the very reason that he is so unwilling to work with anyone or to compromise. How will that play out with a President? Not well, I predict.

Hell, I can come up with great ideas. Every bit as good as Bernie Sanders can. I am just as unwilling to compromise as Bernie Sanders is. The difference is that my unwillingness to compromise is, to me, the very reason I would make such a bad politician.