Roe V Wade Reversal – Observations

Let us start with the Supreme Court

At least THREE fucking justices affirmed Roe v Wade was a decision that need not be re-examined. Yet every one of the assholes voted to overturn it.

Liars, hypocrites, conservatives – there’s a damned oxymoron (strong on the moron part) for you!

They lied to Congress, the shit on the oath to America because their oath to God (remember separation of Church and State assholes?) and conservative politics was more important that any oath they swore with their hand on the Bible. I wonder if they had their fingers crossed when they took their oaths?

Worse part – there isn’t thing one anyone can do about it.

But once again – the minority better remember, the majority is out there. The majority is pissed, and they will be coming,

On Anti-Abortionists

I have yet to meet ONE SINGLE ANTI-ABORTIONIST who isn’t a hypocrite when it comes to the sanctity of life! Want proof:

Every anti-abortion I have ever met is in favor of the death penalty.

Most anti-abortionists do not support universal health.

Most anti-abortionist do not support most or all entitlement programs.

Every anti-abortionist I have ever met falls into one or more of those categories.

They demand every child be born, then they wash their hands of any obligation as a society for their actions.

They use God as an excuse instead of a guide to their faith and descisions.

I am often reminded of the anti-abortionist who promised to pay for a woman’s pregnancy and adopt the child. Turned out the child had special needs identified during amniocentesis. He said he didn’t care but he was nowhere to be found when the child was born.

Separation of Church and State

Let us face it, the claim that a fetus is a living human from conception on is a religious claim not a medical claim. A fetus is not viable at the point of conception, it is not, any more than an acorn is an oak tree. I will not argue when a fetus becomes viable because quite frankly that is a moving target as medical science has become more and more successful as saving babies as increasingly younger gestation ages. (I personally thing that they may be getting to the point that they should reconsider at some point, but that is just me. In any case, that is not germane to this discussion.)

When a fetus does become viable, then and only then can a case be made for the sanctity of the fetus’ “rights”. Before that, it is a fetus, regardless of how one believes in their heart and soul, it is not a viable person. That is the medical fact. Any other “fact” one tries to raise is a religious one. Tell me I am wrong.

Therein lies the heart of the issue. I know that all of the rulings regarding the availability of abortions have been regarding whether it is a woman’s constitutional right. For fifty years the Supreme Court upheld it. This current Supreme Court pissed on those rights. Why? Because the could, not because of any legal changes or new precedents.

What seems to me is that there is a major issue not being addressed. Given that the medical procedure is rather simple, rather safe, and the fetus is NOT a viable human being in the early stages; the choice is a personal one. For the state to intervene is to exercise and impose a religious choice, which is explicitly denied by the United States Constitution.