
Every once in a while some group or individual will raise the issue of reparations to the African-American community for the enslavement of their ancestors.

As you have probably guess, I have some thoughts on that.

First, if anyone was deserving of reparations, it would have been those enslaved not their descendants. That ship sailed long, long ago. Any attempt at reparations now are specious at best.

Second, even if we were to extrapolate the implied reparation that would have been given to every adult ex-slave and or household down to their descendants the amount of reparations would likely be minuscule. You do not get that in the arguments of people advocating reparations: they take an arbitrary figure (usually “40 acres and a mule”) from 1865, assign it a value (as high as they think they can get away with), adjust that figure for inflation, and THEN want every African-American man, woman, and child to get the total value. The fact that anyone takes this seriously is silly; but many people do.

Finally, my main argument. Anyone who wants reparations: I want said person to go to any Civil War Union Cemetery. Look at all of the graves, heck look at even one grave