
Anyone who sees how scientific classifications work with their classification of genus:species:sub-species hierarchy that when they differentiate between two sub-species the differences can be so subtle as to seemingly matter only to scientist. This is because all outward appearances and all other differentiations can be non -existent; sometimes the differences being relegated to area, habitat, or actual DNA-level variances.

I am not criticizing; merely pointing out facts.

Thus when there are physical and visual differences between groups within the same species it is almost guaranteed that these difference will meet the criteria of a sub-species and be named accordingly.

One glaring exception; human beings. The latest model is Homo Sapien sapien. Why? Simple answer: no one wanted to classify the various races (and variations within race) for a lot of reason having nothing to do with science.

Quite frankly no wanted to go there when the classification happened and certainly does not want to do so now.

So we came up with the term RACE and ignored the scientific reality. Not that I blane anyone, mind you.