I know I have been way, way too maudlin of late. Criticism is not acceptable because I am aware of the issue and it is my damned site. If I cannot pour out a tiny, tiny bit of my pain here of all places, there is no other place to go.
I get up every day to make sure the dogs are fed and taken care of. I cook fairly elaborate meals to keep me busy and fill up the freezer. I drink too much but I have a better handle on it than I did a few months ago. I do not do much of anything but read and watch TV.
I do not need anyone to tell me that I am down the proverbial rabbit hole. I am trying to dig myself out and quit feeling so damned sorry for myself. Sandy would never let me have such a pity party or to be so self-centered as I am right now. I know that.
It just that I miss her so much!