
QAnon = Racist Rednecks!

I personally find it funny that one of their poster children is a Canadian-born politician, son of a Cuban-American, trying to run for the presidency of the United States.

I do not question this except Rafael “Ted” Cruz and QAnon assholes questioned Barack Obama’s birth and right to serve when Teddy-boy was 12 before he stepped foot in the USA.

Vote QAnon, vote redneck, vote racist, vote antebellum. You jackasses keep wanting to turn back the clock when Whites were in charge, even the dumbass, stupid whites that you are the proud descendants of and who you willing carry on the dumbass stupidity of your ancestors.

Now that I have posted a nasty remark about the QAnon movement and their promoting candidates throughout the country, I had a thought!

Wouldn’t it be great in QAnon separated from the Republican Party?

Then we could easily separate the legitimate Conservatives from the crazy MoFo’s.

I can work with Conservatives, I can have conversations with Conservatives, I can even agree (on occasion) with Conservatives. Suppose they made up the Republican Party. Everyone could work with them. We have always been able to work, in one way or another, with them.

Now we could then look at the QAnon separately. Maybe they will represent the Conservative side of politics. I doubt it. Any more than Antifa represents decent Liberals.

I think they will have their moment in the sun. And, because they stand alone and separate, the sun shines brightly with little shade. I suspect that, like a plum, they will shrivel into the nasty dry prune it should have always been. Maybe their standard bearer will be DJT, with RTC as his pocket pal.