
Let us be perfectly honest, the term pro-life is a marketing term.  The vast majority of people who call themselves pro-life are in not reality so much pro-life as they are anti-abortion.  They proclaim that they hold that life sacred and that a fetus is life, therefore they are against abortion.

But let us look at the facts here without arguing the situation of the fetus itself because that is another issue altogether.  I admit that I am stereotyping to some degree, but it is based upon personal experience.

Most pro-life people are politically conservative.  Here are some stances commonplace amongst political conservatives:

  • Support of the death penalty as both punishment for criminal activity and as a deterrent.  Even as the rest of the civilized world eschews the use of the death penalty, the conservative/pro-lifers still want to kill people.
  • Objection to universal health care.  The result of  this is that people without access to medical care will have a poorer quality of life or, in the most severe cases, die do not seem to bother them.  Oh, they will donate to a charity but they will not support availability of medical care.  Why?  Cost, political differences, state control, socialist tendencies,  whatever.  The net result is that people die.
  • The same thing applies to people versus business rights.  Let us face it, the conservative is most likely will fall on the side of business.  Historically, this has resulted in lower quality of life for people and their lifestyle, not to mention a shorter life expectancy.
  • Some of the more adamant members of the so-called pro-lifers have advocated the killing of people who perform abortions.  They justify this by saying that there is a net savings in lives, but it is taking lives non the less.  Pro-life my sweet ass.

In short, pro-lifers are not pro-life.  They are anti-aborting; nothing more and nothing less.  They have been successful in giving themselves the image of being in favor of the sanctity of life, but that is a damnable lie.  Instead, they are more about perpetuating a point of view.  I guess I would not be as irritated about it if it were not for their equally successful effort to misrepresent the pro-choice movement.

Now the pro-choice movement advocates access to abortions.  I know that some of the people who avail themselves to abortions threat it as a form of birth control, but most do not.  Most consider it much, much more than that.  Most people I have met endorse the availability of abortion but I really cannot remember anyone who advocate  abortion, just the accessibility.  Admittedly, on a specific basis, I have seen people advise a person obtain an abortion, but I really do not know of a single person who is pro-abortion.  Everyone is, as the name denotes, pro-CHOICE.  The falsely identified pro-life people make it seem like they are pro-abortion.  What hypocrisy.