Political Understanding

Here is the thing.  I rather get some of the reasoning behind the support of He Who Shall Not Be Named in an odd way.  With President Biden issuing new Presidential Orders, rolling back all of the Presidential Orders by the previous administration, it becomes apparent that the previous administration was taking the country into a different direction than the current one is.  Thus the support for that administration.

Weird issue number one.  I was only tangentially aware of these Executive Orders from the previous administration, quite frankly.  Oh, I knew they were happening but I more or less attributed it to the new administration.  What I was unaware of was how wide in scope they were.  I am not going to argue the merits of those orders, nor the merits of rescinding them, here.  That is for another, completely political discussion.  While I disagree with most of the original Executive Orders, this was not my problem with He Who Shall Not Be Named.  This may be the reason Conservatives continued to support his sorry ass, but I was looking beyond those situations and circumstances.  I was aware that this was the acts of conservatism and would be the acts of any Conservative in office.  No, my objection to He Who Shall Not Be Named was that he was a Cancer, a certifiably crazy individual, whose ego was so large he was willing to take the country down in order to satisfy his own greed and need for power and notoriety. Thus continuing to support him ultimately caused all of the issues that Conservatives wanted so badly to be put into effect to be immediately reversed simply because they backed such a heinous individual.

Weird issue number two.  If the Executive Orders from the previous administration were so darned good and enjoyed such universal support, why were they not enacted as laws?  After all, He Who Shall Not Be Named had a Conservative majority in the House and the Senate.  Was it misjudgment, was it the fact that these ideas were not veto-proof, or was there too much ego involved to make these Executive Orders into bills? 

Personally, I am glad President Biden is reversing the old Executive Orders merely from a political point-of-view but that does not keep me from being aware that this does point to the support of the crazy man the preceded him.