Personal Expression

I know I have ranted about current personal expression now as opposed to “back in the day”.  I also know that I may be unfair.  That was then and this was now.  I get that.

My only concern is for the person involved.  It is not for their expression.  It is not for me to approve or disapprove of their attire, hairstyle, hair color, tattoos, or piercings.  The only time it matters is that if I find it too offensive and do not support a business because of a person’s look; then it is a problem.  Frankly, that has not happened, nor do I see it happening.

But I cannot speak for others, and I have heard others make extremely vocal objections.

If I were to comment on the differences between when I was young and now it would be this:

I think my generation was just of unusual and just as anti-establishment as the youth now.  The only difference was that the youth of yesteryear were a hairstyle, possibly makeup, and clothing change to become mainstream.  Now, cosmetic surgery is often needed.