Pendulum Effect

We are in a pendulum effect right now.

I know that I, along with most people, thought that the changes in society over the last half a century plus impacted all aspects of American society.

Nay, nay! These sleazy bottom dwellers that were with us in the past proved that they were with us when they crawled out from under from their rocks to support Little Boots.

Oh, I know that many of them will say that they were voting against Hillary Clinton because she was such a BAD, BAD person. Eh, maybe. But not nearly as many as say that actually were motivated because of that.

Oh, I know that many of them said that they like Little Boots’ policies and did not know about the flaws in his integrity and personality. Nah! No policies that were not anti-whatever you wanted. As for integrity, their rock was not deep enough for them for them not to know what he was like.

No, the truth can be explained by the growth of the M.A.G.A. movement. For the uninitiated, M.A.G.A. stands for Make America Great Again. Now, if you think about it they are harkening back to a time past when they and their ilk were in the majority, when they were in control. What does that mean:

  • Ni**ers knew their place and it certainly was not in politics. Nor, for that matter in any place where “decent people” gathered.
  • Women know their place and that was definitely not in charge either. Definitely not in control of anything and definitely they belonged and home like decent women throughout history.
  • It is alright to have wetbacks as long as there were not too many of them and they knew their place.
  • We were all god-fearing Christians whether we went to church or not. One exception is them there Catholics of course. And the few non-Christians knew to keep their mouth shut.
  • Sadly they are fueled in no small part by an ultra-conservative racist-driven group of Christian leaders. They have a narrow interpretation of the Bible fueled by their political and social views to taint their message.
    • Greatest example is demonizing an obviously religious President like Obama and endorsing an obviously irreverent man like Little Boots.

You get the picture. The M.A.G.A.t’s are out of touch with the real world. They harken back to the antebellum days of the ol’ south and the days of WASP America. Little Boots tapped that turkey and the M.A.G.A.t’s coalesced and put him into power.

We have to remove him and drive these idiots under their rocks again. We have to marginalize them. I am against marginalization of people but these people earned it by their actions. And we have to do it in such a way that they never have another opportunity to dominate the American government again, let alone have a voice.