PBS and Greta Thunberg

You know, I have waffled over the years about the benefits of Public Broadcasting, especially given the plethora of cable/satellite channels that often provide much of the same niche programming that they once were the soul source of. I often think of contributing to #PBS or Oregon’s #OPB as I often think they are worthy and I do enjoy some of their programming. It is tempered by the incessant begging for contributions before, during, and after every damned program. They say they are commercial-free but there “notes from sponsors” often are the same as the commercials on commercial TV, and begging for money is its own form of a commercial. But, what really gets me is that they all too often try to achieve too much political correctness. Case in point; they have broadcast a “documentary” featuring that learned scholar and scientific expert Greta Thunberg. Really? If all it takes to become an expert spokesperson on Global Warming is cuteness and screaming, sign me up. No damned wonder there are so many people dismissing their claims. Give me a break, #PBS; use scientists next time. Not as cute maybe, but they have the chops.

Some of you may have read my posts on Greta (Greta Thunberg or Greta Thunberg – Again) and assume, that I do not like her. Not really. I do not like or dislike her. The most negative i can say about her personally is that she is taking advantage of her public image to pushing her agenda and herself. Make no bones about it, she revels in the publicity. If she was only talking to people behind closed doors, I am not sure how much she would be doing. As for her yelling stunts, this is for the media as well.

What I object to is that she has become highly educated about her version of Climate Change using articles that confirm her beliefs. This is true of many lay supporters on the Climate Change train. This is also true of far, far too many scientists as well. They see the changes to the climate, latched onto Global Warming caused by Industrial/Human pollution and ecological destruction. They are tackling it from there with no further science or research. This comes on the heels of too often forgotten Nuclear Winter some of these same scientists were touting not so long ago. Talk about Confirmation Bias. It is bad when lay people and scientists put blinders on and do not try to really find out the truth.

The truth is that there is a Climate Change going on. The truth is that Global Warming caused by Industrial/Human pollution and ecological destruction has to have some impact on the climate. But working on the Earth as a model: how does this explain that the ice cap in the Antarctic is growing; How does it explain the ice ages (including a mini-ice age that apparently ending in the early 19th century in the Northern Hemisphere; How does it explain the mastodons with buttercups in their stomachs; How does it explain the loss of the Sahara forest? I could go one, but short of the supposed comet wiping out the dinosaurs, we have no scientific explanation for any of this stuff. How are we supposed to believe that these scientists are supposed to have the perfect answer and, more importantly, the solution in a theory that is less than 50 years old.

Not me. That’s for sure, that’s for danged sure.

The only positive part of this is that their activities have made the air a lot better to breath and the water better to drink.