Pathetic Fat Man

Sad Realization:

I still judge people too often based upon weight.

Why is this sad? Because I am a Fat Man; I have always been Fat; even after bariatric surgery, I am Fat: I have been teased and discriminated against for being fat since I was in grammar school. I don’t remember not being called Fat by classmates, friends, associates, or family: and they were not kind enough to do it behind my back.

But society has put such an onus on FAT that even me, a Fat Man, all too often mentally pass judgement on others because of their weight. Thankfully, because I am one of them, I do not act upon that judgement.

But isn’t it more than a little f**ked up that me, a Fat Man, even has this thoughts?


  • Robert … I have known you for over 50 years and never called you fat… Or judged you for being a “big guy”… I was on the other end of the scale and was short, late bloomer, and a little dude… Until a few years later, then it was lookout.. all grown up at last. I totally understand and appreciate your concern about peoples “bullying”, since it happened to me too.
    Your a long time friend… And our Elmo.. nothing fat about it…!! ❤️❤️ KJ

    • Merry, I thank you immensely for that. And, you know I never felt that way around you when we hung out. The thing I guess I am talking about is mostly people who didn’t know me and saw the outside, especially in the business world. It wasn’t cold.