Random Thought

I do not know when I realized that I was not like the rest of the world; the normal people in society. I really don’t. But somewhere along the way, I became aware that I was not normal. I dod not make friends. ...

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Equality on the cheap

I have railed against those who have used artificial claims of equality to get a preferential advantage; specifically in recent times the bastardization of the intent of Title IX and even more recently the Women’s National...

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Regrets -Part 1

I know that Sinatra said he had too few regrets to mention. That isn’t me. The reason I labeled this as Part 1 is because I will inevitably want to list more and more regrets. My first regret: Not telling Sandy more...

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Just a funny feeling

I have absolutely zero knowledge and zero proof of what i am about to say. My only reasons for saying it at all are this is my website and I (and only I) am allowed to post unfounded thoughts and rumors plus I cannot help...

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I always won

One way or another,I always seemed to win in the final rendering. Even when I was down, even when I seemed to be kicked in the teeth, I seemed to overcome it. I always thought it was intelligence or perseverance; maybe I...

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I can admit that of my two fur babies that my little Noodle has become my favorite, even though we have had Honey longer and have had her since she was a little itty-bitty puppy. For the longest time, I have thought it is...

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The N-word AGAIN

In the last week, Cale Gundy had to resign as a coach for (oh my God) saying the N-word. Now do not get me wrong. I get it. It is offensive, damned offensive. Thus, I fully understand why Blacks are offended by the use of...

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Old Stereotypes

Funny thing about stereotypes: they often represent the truth, even when they are not necessarily politically correct. Case in point? When I was a kid, in ancient times (over 50 years ago) the stereotype was that any female...

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You do not Understand

The statement ”You do not Understand” is one of the most overused and abused statements in the English language. It is most of used to dismiss the comments, ideas, and inputs of those the person making the pronouncement. It...

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