Ice Milk

When I was younger, there was a product called Ice Milk that was sold in all of the grocery stores.  I was essentially Ice Cream that was made with milk instead of cream. Now I am sure that some people were concerned with the...

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Sidney Long

I was thinking about my old high school teacher, Sidney Long.  I used Facebook and found he is still living in Fort Bragg, California.  He has to be in his late 70’s so I hope that he is doing well. It got me to thinking...

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The N Word – Part 2

How little did I know that when I wrote my blog post on The N-Word not so long ago that I would be posting so soon about the same subject.  Nor did I think I would be posting regarding someone I really do not great deal of...

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Squeezing Dinosaurs

I read a book some time ago about abiogenic oil.  To summarize; this is the theory that oil/petroleum comes from, at least in part, from naturally generated reactions of the earth itself.  Not from the decomposition of organic...

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Mature Leadership

Have you ever thought about the Power Brokers in Congress?  These are the people who:   Absolutely control the laws that do or do not get the light of day.   Hold America hostage to their personal agendas.   Hold the White...

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Presidential Impeachment Impeachment of a President is in the United States Constitution as kind of a last resort to allow for the legislative branch of government to remove a President that was out of control.  That is why, in...

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