Mayan Empire

Have you ever had a thought come to you out of the blue?  That is what has happened here.  I have seemingly always known all of the disparate facts that I am going to lay out here.  Not always but for over fifty years...

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Some More About Bernie

Someone said there was so much more about Bernie than the $15/hour that I dismissively attributed to him.  I agreed but I thought that I should also take some time to revisit his stands now that the heat of the election was not...

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I spent my career as an Analyst, yes a programmer as well, but I worked independently and most of my work was analyzing and developing systems and applications by working with people and groups and developing programs to satisfy...

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An Observation

Just an observation: I am always intrigued how people, generally conservatives, shout from the treetops about just how patriotic they are. These are the people who wear American Flags, have Flags waving from their pike-em-up...

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A thought

Isn’t it somewhat troubling that the integrity of current leadership is based in large part on whether or not they are ready or willing to testify against Little Boots. The Pro-POS’ers call them traitors and the...

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A Letter

I wrote a letter to Sidney Long trying to let him know much he made to me.  I really did not know if he even remembered me after all of these years. Today I got the most wonderful letter back from him.  He not only mentioned...

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