
All too often when  I am out and about I see people who, if they have heard of courtesy at all, think that it begins with the letter “K”.  Thus when they look it up in the dictionary to find out what that sucker...

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Day Care

In an adjunct to the post I just had on Home Schooling I am posting my thoughts on Day Care. Obviously I am not referring to the infrequent use of day care that one would use for an occasional day out or an occasional need of the...

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Liberal Press

The only proof that Fox Noise has that the rest of the press is “Liberal”, “Lame Steam Media”, etc. is that they disagree with them.  Generally speaking if a story is not slanted to show a conservative...

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Home Schooling

So, you want to homeschool your child.  Good on you.  That is a real winner, is it not?  You have your reasons and I am sure that they are fantastic.  Let us examine some of the more common amongst them just a little...

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Public Nursing

I have absolutely nothing against women nursing in public.  I think it is about time we quit being so damned anal about it and let such a natural event be accepted as a normal course of life. I think that businesses and public...

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In case anyone is interested: I do not think that Little Boots is stupid.  Crazy, yes; stupid, no.  If he were stupid, he could be dealt with to a degree. For example, W was stupid.  His stupidity was based upon his religious...

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Work Attitude

Just a note about my last years of work: I was not dumb.  I was not stupid.  I know I could have gotten by better by being more cooperative and more pliable.  But I would not have been me.  More importantly, I would not have...

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New Names

I think that we are all aware of the situation in the last few years where new name combinations have been appearing. I refer not to the ubiquitous band wagon jumping whereby everyone seems to fixate on a couple of baby names;...

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Why is it that an eighteen-year-old a teenager when they are a victim of a crime but an adult if they commit the crime?

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Let us be perfectly honest, the term pro-life is a marketing term.  The vast majority of people who call themselves pro-life are in not reality so much pro-life as they are anti-abortion.  They proclaim that they hold that life...

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