Thoughts on Abortion

Listen up:The youngest fetus to survive birth is 21 weeks and 1 day, and this was a one-off for a baby around 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. Want to guess what that baby’s chances were for normal growth, physically and intellectually...

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To the Supremes

Warning: those bothered by foul language and adult themes , do not proceed! To the current majority of the United States Supreme Court: You are a FUCKING DISGRACE to every member who has come before you, liberal or...

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Why I ultimately believe in God

I guess I, like everyone else wants, or needs, to believe in God it it’s many and varied manifestations for no other reason than one does not want, nor can one accept, that when they die it is over. That everything about their...

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Another angst post

Hey, it is my flipping website and if I use it to work out some personal issues, so be it. The complaint department is run by Helen Waite, so if you do not like it go to Helen Waite. The good thing is that as time goes by, I...

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The Absolute Worst of the Worst

You know what I was thinking about the other day? I was thinking about the absolutely worst actors and actresses I have ever seen in modern-day cinema. I know that there are a hell of a lot of them; with more to come. Lord...

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A Matter of Integrity

I discovered a long, long time ago why i was not destined to be a politician. Bear with me as I tell you the synopsis of a true story. I will advise you that there may be some that will remember it differently, but I am...

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Another Maudlin Post

I do not know when I will get past the loss of the love of my life. I am not even sure that the description is appropriate. Sandy was my best friend, my only friend, and the only friend I ever had or seemed to need. I have...

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Dumb thought

I know that my opinions are strong. I know that they are oft-times controversial. Jell, I know that people, even family members, think these are the opinions of a stubborn, bullheaded person who will not listen to anyone...

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Every once in a while some group or individual will raise the issue of reparations to the African-American community for the enslavement of their ancestors. As you have probably guess, I have some thoughts on that. First...

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