No Exemptions Acceptable

Once again, I am seeing the controversy arise about vaccination exemptions. I was watching the news and seeing a young mother deciding to NOT vaccinate her child because an older child had a mild rash from a previous...

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On People

Despite what many may glean from these postings, I am generally pretty naïve and forgiving in my dealings with others. I almost always see the good in people long before I see the bad. In a strange way, this serves me in a...

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Make America Great Again????

I have heard your rhetoric!! The problem is assholes, you haven’t convinced me or anyone with the brain larger than a dinosaur that we weren’t already doing pretty damned well without you mouthbreathers in charge.

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Health Care

I see a lot of people, mainly Republicans, who object to mandated health care. Here’s the rub. I worked for a company that provided health care. Based upon the type of company it was, and my personal experience, I...

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There be Dragons

I have personally found it interesting the vast references to dragons throughout the world. In different societies that have no known interaction, they all reference dragons. The descriptions and depictions of these dragons are...

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Term Limits

In theory, I understand the attraction of Term Limits for politicians. After all, it gets rid of entrenched politicians and bring in new blood. My only issue has been that Term Limits have always been available by voting the...

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A Prospective

I, like many other like-minded people, have been railing against the obvious insanity and meanness of Little Boots. I cannot imagine how people are still supporting this man when he is obviously without his faculties. And I...

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