Goodbye Irritating Champion

Well, the reigning Jeopardy champion bit the dust tonight. I, for one, am not sorry at all. She was about as annoying and irritating as any champions that I have seen lately. Why? First of all, I absolutely abhor a fried...

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Different Business Culture

My wife has to have some cardiac rehab. Now we have a hospital facility only about a mile and a half from our house that has a rehab program. Score: or, you would think. When contacted them, they said that their program...

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Vegan Hypocrisy

Hey, we all know there are multiple justifications for being vegan. But the ones that I am referring to here are those that hold their veganism as a matter of morality. They not only eschew consuming animal products but also...

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Speed Control

I have recently spent more time on freeways between cities than has been my practice for some time and I have discovered a new trend. There are a whole bunch of drivers who get in the middle lane, set their speed control to...

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I get it

Yeh, yeh, yeh, I get it: GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE – PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! The part you forget is: GUNS SURE AS HELL INCREASE THE BODY COUNT! Explain that away, jackass!

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On Term Limits

I think that the only thing worse the intrenched, professional, politicians is amateur, idealistic politicians. Term limits would certainly solve the first but would also pretty much guarantee the increase of the...

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