You know, little did I, or anyone with a brain, realize just how long lasting and far-reaching the false accusation of the location of Barak Obama’s birth was going to have. Let us start with a statement. Barak Obama...
On the eve of the public impeachment hearings for Donald Trump’s activities it gives me pause for reflection. Now I admit that I despise Donald Trump. I think he is mentally ill. I believe his beliefs are...
First of all, I am still opposed to the concept of Medicare for All. We can all see that it is a poor man’s attempt at socialized medicine without actually giving it that name, without eliminating the insurance company...
We have all heard of the Seven Deadly Sins. Most of us can name some of them but I bet most of us cannot name them all. Thus I looked them up. They are: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Now when I...
I am going to give the Conservative reader the benefit of the doubt that I do not normally give them. I am going to ask them to put on their logic hat and ask them to think about what I am asking. Every news agency report the...
Sport scholarships is a big can of worms as they say. Every time the subject comes up, depending on the nexus of the conversation, people have deeply entrenched viewpoints. They often create controversy because both...
I have to admit that I have been somewhat dismissive of the pro-Trump idiots who say they are supporting the idiot because the economy is doing so well. This is because I pay attention. First of all, the economy was doing...
Now I want to preface this by saying that I lost it with a customer service person (and I use this definition loosely) earlier today. We needed to contact customer service because we were doing annual maintenance on a device...
I know that I must not be the only one that is irritated by Shipping and Handling charges but being one of many does not deter my irritation or frustration. Why am I irritated? Let us address shipping charges. If we are...
Now I have heard of some darned ridiculous crud in my life but I have come across with one that wins the award, hands down. Some background: the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) have a new regulation that is going...