Birther Bullcrap

You know, little did I, or anyone with a brain, realize just how long lasting and far-reaching the false accusation of the location of Barak Obama’s birth was going to have. Let us start with a statement.  Barak Obama...

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On the eve of hearings

On the eve of the public impeachment hearings for Donald Trump’s activities it gives me pause for reflection. Now I admit that I despise Donald Trump.  I think he is mentally ill.  I believe his beliefs are...

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We have all heard of the Seven Deadly Sins. Most of us can name some of them but I bet most of us cannot name them all. Thus I looked them up. They are: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Now when I...

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Think about it

I am going to give the Conservative reader the benefit of the doubt that I do not normally give them. I am going to ask them to put on their logic hat and ask them to think about what I am asking. Every news agency report the...

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A Word of Advice

Now I want to preface this by saying that I lost it with a customer service person (and I use this definition loosely) earlier today. We needed to contact customer service because we were doing annual maintenance on a device...

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Shipping & Handling

I know that I must not be the only one that is irritated by Shipping and Handling charges but being one of many does not deter my irritation or frustration. Why am I irritated? Let us address shipping charges. If we are...

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Now I have heard of some darned ridiculous crud in my life but I have come across with one that wins the award, hands down. Some background: the TSA (Transportation Safety Administration) have a new regulation that is going...

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