Crappy Laws

It does not take a genius to realize that we have some really crappy laws. I am not just talking about some of the stupid laws on the books like it being illegal to walk backwards down the street while eating a donut (true...

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My Take on M.A.G.A.

I know that we get involved with what is going on and forget to step back and look at what led us to where we are.  I am trying to do just that regarding the seemingly impassible political divide in the United States. ...

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Greta Thunberg – Again

You know, I keep thinking she will go away. This is not the case. Just a couple of days ago, I got a plea for funds with her name associated with it. Let me state, once more, my opinion on her. Her heart may be in the right...

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Greta Thunberg

Once again, this is not so much about the person as about the reaction to the person. Most people are familiar with Greta. She is a young person who is challenging the people of the world to change their carbon footprint to...

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Fear of bicyclists

I FEAR BICYCLISTS And not because of what they can do for me but because I cannot trust what they will do. I recently railed against the new law that went into effect in Oregon called the “Idaho Stop” law. ...

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It’s not about politics

I know that a lot of people think that my abhorrence of Trump is based upon his politics.  This includes both Liberals and conservatives.  While I will admit that I would not be a fan of Trump because of his politics...

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New direction

Since the beginning of the blog, I have always been writing for the possible reader. I wanted to reach out and express my opinion. Not only because I think my opinion is right (who doesn’t) but I wanted to garner...

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