
Nearly every time someone brings up cooking with veal in a public setting, you will get all kinds of grief. In fact, you will rarely see it featured on a menu in a restaurant. And it is darned near impossible to find in a...

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I am 70 years old. When I was growing up on the west coast of the United States in the 1950’s and 1960’s there was only one kind of rice and it was called, strangely enough, RICE. If you were served rice, if you...

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The Glass Was Full

i promise not to make this a maudlin site, but I want to explain what it was like to have found my soulmate. Every day the glass started out full. It was always full. No matter what else was going on in the world or in life...

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Getting Along

There are movements to get liberals and conservatives to communicate civilly again. Funny thing; throughout my life, even though I argued wholeheartedly with conservatives in the past, I respected them and there was always...

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I am sick and tired or these people saying they are giving 110%. Hell, I even heard a person who said, and I will quote, “I was in the military and I am used to giving 125%”. I have only one thing to say to him. ...

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To Readers/Subscibers

Generally speaking I do not directly acknowledge reader and Subscibers of this site. Not because I live in a vacuum or I am “above it all” but because if I write to the audience I will no longer be writing for...

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It is not about Slavery

If one is to listen to the rhetoric from everyone from politicians to pundits to prognosticators to civil rights leaders to everyday people, you will get the sense that the reason for the racial problems with Black Americans is...

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On 9/11

On this, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the tragedy is still all too fresh.  Seeing the terrible pain and the terrible impact on the lives of those who survived is heart-rending and devastating.  Moreover, when I say...

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Everyone knows I have strong opinions, as is evidenced by the postings I have made.  For those who really know me know that I try very hard to see the other side of the picture when it comes to differences of opinion. ...

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Forgive and Forget?

I hear a lot from people who say that once this Covid crisis is over that we need to mend fences and begin to put this past us and come together. But let us look at the facts: A safe and affective vaccine has been widely...

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