
I sincerely do not wish that you get into a hopeless situation like I did. See, I married a wonderful woman who really did not have much before I met her. That did not keep her from being extremely generous. So much so that...

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Looking back on Y2K from the inside

After 22 years I see that people are “still” saying Y2K was a non-issue. In a way it was, but only because a hell of a lot of computer nerds busted their butts for years ahead of time to correct the shortsightedness of either...

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Don’t Blame the Computer

The more I encounter the shortcomings of software systems that companies rely on in this world of e-commerce and trying not to blame the messenger (those euphemistically referred to as customer service) I have come to a couple of...

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I’M Not Stupid

I know, at the age of 70 I am lucky to have my faculties and that it could change in a heartbeat.However, it amuses me more than pisses me off when people try to explain to the “old fart” about them there modern computer...

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Good ol’ USPS

Had a new cell phone shipped via USPS from Portland to Gresham – Distance @ 15 miles – took over 4 days – oh, it took a side trip to Columbia, SC. I had tracking on the shipment because it was such a big-ticket...

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PBS and Greta Thunberg

You know, I have waffled over the years about the benefits of Public Broadcasting, especially given the plethora of cable/satellite channels that often provide much of the same niche programming that they once were the soul...

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I was a lifetime wallflower. I guess I still am. After i left home for college at 18, I pretty much was on my own from there until I married at 40. i will not go into details in this post as to the how’s and...

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Legacy of GREAT NFL Players

Recently Terry Bradshaw expressed a bit of disappointment on how his legacy was being treated by both the NFL and the modern fan. Despite the fact that he took his team to 4 Super Bowls and won 4 Super Bowls (see a trend there?)...

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Wear Your Fear

Saw a protest sign on a news show.  The person held up a “I will not wear your fear” with  🚫 through facemasks. I will answer that person: yes, I wear it out of fear.  Out fear of YOU and your...

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Sitting Down With An Anti-Vaxer

I know I cannot let this go because it, to me, this is so damned important. I wish I could sit down with an anti-vax proponent. I have heard such things as this the first step to Communism, that this violates personal...

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