On Clarence the Talking Ass

Recently Clarence Thomas stated that he was worried that respect for our institutions were eroding.

Clarence is a pompous self-righteous ass. One of the main reasons for the erosion of respect of the Supreme Court is his (in)actions and the actions of your wife, couple with your unwillingness to recuse himself when there is an obvious conflict of interest. And blaming New England for learning bad manners: who in the hell are he think he is kidding. I knew you was brain dead, but he shouldn’t assume everyone else is as stupid as he is.

I know that he is too damned dumb to be a Supreme Court Justice and he has done everything to prove it since the day he first sat on the bench. He is a conservative place keeper and nothing more. But that is what they wanted when they appointed him, a Black Conservative that could be controlled.

You know, I will not bitch and moan about his obvious failure not to recuse himself despite the obvious conflict of interest in the 2000 election decision. Hell, four other conservative Justices with as significant or greater conflicts of interest did not do so either.

But, my God, there is no damned excuse for what is going on now. Virginia “Ginni” Thomas may be embroiled in one of the most devise, illegal actions by a President, and his political minions, in the history of the United States. She is a lawyer so there is no excuse for her not knowing what she was doing was illegal as hell. And, if Clarence baby claims he did not know what she was doing; well, given the fact that he sleeps on the bench and is so disconnected to what is going on, may lead one to believe that he has Alzheimer’s. That alone, should remove his ass from the bench.