Notice to Vigilantes

I live in the Portland Oregon area. We are sadly surrounded by multiple wildfires getting way too near and making way too many people homeless.

Sadly included with this has been what has so far been proven totally unfounded claims that these wildfires have been started by Antifa activists. So unfounded are these claims, two police officers are in official trouble (suspension or censure) for spreading these stupid lies.

This has lead to a terrible side story. Specifically, armed vigilantes are stopping vehicles going into the fire areas. Supposedly looking for arsonists. Really? They have no right or responsibility to do so. In fact, it is decidedly illegal. It is a flipping felony. If they are known and not in jail, they should be.

I have absolutely no reason to go into those areas. However, one word of advice to any damned vigilante if I must go to those areas: If you stop me be prepared to 1) shoot faster and straighter than me, 2) have your life insurance paid up, and 3) you or your heirs are going to owe me or my heirs everything you own for unlawful detainment and imprisonment for stopping me and drawing down on me. I plan it to be your heirs.