No Exemptions Acceptable

Once again, I am seeing the controversy arise about vaccination exemptions. I was watching the news and seeing a young mother deciding to NOT vaccinate her child because an older child had a mild rash from a previous vaccination.

I could wax on and on about how stupid and ignorant this mother and mothers like her are. It does no good. They even have champions out there who because of their celebrity, have cache without any damned knowledge. It matters not what the facts are, these idiots (and yes, they are idiots) continue to march to their stupidity with self-righteousness by their side. And that does not even include those who misinterpret the Bible and misuse faith as a way to put their children and other people’s children at risk.

Enough! If you have a child, why take the risk. Even if you immunize your children, they have a much higher chance of getting the disease if exposed to someone who is actively infected. If I were you, I would have ZERO TOLERANCE.