My problem with Churches – Part I

I have a lot of problems with Churches, specifically Christian Churches as these are the ones I am most familiar with. Quite frankly, most of my problems are based upon church doctrine or congregational practices that are either contrary to the teachings of the Bible or that are using the Bible as an excuse to promote their own, non-religious agenda.

No church follows the specific teachings of the Bible.

In fact I kid about some of the passages that people seem to conveniently forget are their because it suits them: such as women speaking in Church and wearing clothing of mixed fabric. Too often people take it far too seriously and try to explain to me why it is no longer valid. I do not care what their explanation is. I am just pointing out that one cannot take the words in the Bible verbatim. That message get lost, however, and just do not get through to them.

This does not keep these same people from quoting and taking verbatim references in the Bible when it suits their personal belief or agenda. They do not broke any argument against their beliefs and use the Bible to excuse bad behavior when it aids their argument.

Probably the most recurring situation is that these “true believers” will tell you that homosexuality is an “abomination” despite scientific evidence that most homosexuals are born that way; thus, using their logic, God made them the way they are. Oh, yes the Bible also says that eating shellfish is an “abomination” as well but you do not see any preachers screaming from the pulpit about anyone going to Hell for eating a shrimp cocktail. I know, I know Paul was supposed to say we do not have to stay kosher but an abomination is an abomination and a dream is just still a dream.

The next most important issue is abortion. First of all, if it was such an important issue why didn’t Jesus ever address it. In fact, the few references in the Bible regarding abortion are a decidedly mixed message; including God ripping the unborn from the wombs of women. Just saying.

I just wonder if, despite the American Christian community, God judges everyone based upon their stand on homosexuality and abortion. I kind of doubt it. That does not keep the Church community from getting involved in politics based solely upon those two issues. I think it is kind of pitiful because now they are supporting any darned fool who publicly espouses his or her support for their agenda, despite what kind of person they are. As an aside, on of the best Christian leaders in 20th Century America, Reverend Billy Graham, publicly stated his regrets in getting involved in politics. Too bad these lesser people did not heed his message.

Then we look at the churches themselves:

  • Take the Southern Baptists, the most vocal conservative Church. Is it any surprise that this is a church that was a breakaway organization because they supported the South on the subject of Slavery.
  • Why hasn’t the Catholic Church done more to address the pedophilia issue in their ranks?
  • Also, why hasn’t the Mormon Church done more to address the pedophilia issue, via the Boy Scout sponsorship, in their ranks?
  • Why are church leaders unwilling to talk about infidelity because of the current president and his support amongst their congregations?
  • How can churches allow their congregations to actively support withholding food and shelter from immigrants because of their immigration status?
  • How can churches be inclusive and endorse any political candidate?
  • And most interesting of all: Why is that universally Churches and church members support Conservative causes (pro-business, pro-military) and oppose Liberal causes (pro-Social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, health care, welfare, and family aid). Then they take up collections to address the issues supported by the Liberal causes they oppose. Hypocrisy.

Finally, my biggest problem is that I never feel welcome in Church or by the congregation. They have become so politicized and so set in their ways that they broach no disagreement and want no discussion. After all, they are right. Even when it is contrary to the Bible and its central themes.

I am at a place and time that I would love to be welcomed into a Church but I guess that this is not to be. I have only met on Pastor that I thought was above the fray and really worked at trying to practice God’s teachings. His Church broke him and ran him out of the ministry.