My Opinion on Covid-19 Scofflaws

We all know what we need to do to help stop the spread the Covid-19 virus, vaccine or no vaccine. That is using simple safeguards that have been stated so many times it seem unnecessary to state again but I will:

  • Shelter in place if at all possible
  • Wear a facemask in public
  • Avoid large gatherings
  • Practice “social distancing” (6 feet) between each other
  • Wash you hands frequently
  • Sanitize surfaces whenever possible

Oh, and implied in this is such things as avoiding public travel as much as possible because you cannot avoid large gatherings and practice social distancing (duh!).

The three actions that bespeaks to the spread of Covid-19 the most seem to be refusing to wear facemasks, social gatherings, and public travel.

I have equated people who do this to being killers.

Many people, on Facebook and other places, think I am too radical and harsh about this. My wife thinks that this tone is too strong. That may be. In fact, I know it is rather strong. But it doesn’t make it any less true.

Think about it. I mean, really think about it. If these people wore facemasks, did not party hearty, and did not recreationally travel people would be living today. In countries where they enforce these policies the infection and death rate is far, far lower than.

Here is a sobering fact: the United States is responsible for nearly 25% of all known Covid-19 infections and 19% of all Covid-19 deaths in the world. This is while the United States represent 4.25% of the world population.

That is a damned travesty. I could, and have, blamed lack of leadership for a lot of this and he deserves it. But it goes all the way down to the Governors who do not implement strong enough mandates to the dumbass Country Sheriffs who will not enforce the laws and regulations when they come.

But ultimately it is the fault of the individual. They know what needs to be done. They know the consequences. Yet many still refuse to wear a facemask for God’s sake.

And look at the Christmas Holiday’s. In the week leading up to Christmas 8 million people traveled by air and the Sunday after Christmas 1.3 million people traveled by air. There were probably people travelling for business but damned few. The vast majority were pleasure travelers. I bet every damned one of them had some excuse the “exempted” them from being a smart, decent human being in their quest to spread Covid-19. One traveler on Sunday was honest; he said he wanted to go skiing and he felt that he could survive Covid-19 if he got it and he want to ski – selfish prick that he was at least he was honest.

How can I not call these individuals who are wantonly, openly NOT practicing the simple acts that would save peoples lives and, instead put peoples’ lives in danger KILLERS. They are modern-day Typhoid Mary’s. She wantonly refused to stop infecting people and she spent the rest of her live in involuntary quarantine because of the people who died because of her actions. She was a killer. These scofflaws are no damned better. If that makes me too rabid, I can live with it; I just cannot live with their actions as they will kill me,