Mirror Mirror

I was not going to write about this but because neither group seems to be lessening their impact on society nor reducing their vocal footprint, I just have to say something.

I have made no secret about the fact that I despise Donald Trump. Likewise, I have made it no secret that I am not enamored with Bernie Sanders. To me, Trump is a lying housefire while Bernie Sanders is a lightweight good for a soundbite with no there there.

Be that as it may. This is not about either of them specifically. It is about their rabid followers. In the case of Trump, I refer to them as MAGAt’s and in the case of Sanders, I refer to them as Bernie Bro’s. (An aside has to be made regarding Bernie Bro’s so as not to confuse them with Bernie Believers. Bernie Bro’s are those who I describe below and not those who believe Bernie’s policies and ideas and let it go at that.)

Both groups have made their candidate a cult hero and once you go beyond the obvious diametrically different political points of view, they are mirror images of each other. Case in point about both groups:

  • They invent and disseminate lies about their candidate’s opponents, up to and including criminal activity up to and including murder and the all to famous birth questions. They go to the point of fabricating evidence of such information.
  • Make false press statements containing lies and misleading information to either hurt their candidate’s opponents or to elevate their candidate.
  • Defend their candidate with misinformation when anyone questions or disagrees with anything said about their candidate.
  • Questions the patriotism of anyone who deigns to disagree with them.
  • Disagrees with the election process if their candidate does not get the desired result.

See? Not a damned thing different between the two sides. Both do not let facts or reason will out. Both will do anything, and I repeat anything, to get their candidate a victory. They are dark, dark mirror images of each other.

Why am I bringing this up now? Because these rabid dogs on the Trump side are still trying to get him elected now and Lord knows what will happen if 1) he is reelected or 2) if he is not reelected and he refused to leave. Also, because I do not think we have heard the last of Bernie Sanders. Like a bad penny or Alf Landon, he will run again and again.