Meetings between Liberals and Conservatives

There is a move afoot to get Liberals and Conservatives in the same room and sanely discuss issues. No name calling, no preconceptions; just getting people with different world-views together on neutral ground to discuss issues. They are finding, surprisingly, a few things:

  1. They often agree on the problems, even if they have different ideas on how to solve them
  2. Other than “got button” issues, they often share the same values and opinions
  3. Once talking to the other person, they are highly unlikely to refer to them derogatorily.
  4. They actually listen to the other side’s opinion without dismissing it out-of-hand.

in other words, given the opportunity, people from both sides can and will communicate. This is welcoming. As someone who is involved in these meetings said, “It is hard to get communications between people when on side or the other is calling you stupid or an idiot “

Strangely, I would love to participate in such a dialogue. I have always enjoyed a vigorous back and forth of ideas. How else can one form an informed opinion and how else can one change one’s mind because of improved knowledge and/or facts

i kbow that I would never be invited because 1) I do not meet the demographic, 2) generally speaking, I am an insignificant individual whom no one can or should expect any great contribution to the discussion, and 3) the perception that I am so set in my opinions that I am unwilling to listen – I disagree but would have to digest too much for this posting.

However, I will have to admit there is a level of stubbornness that I could not and will not concede to any Conservative in any conversation. Any Conservative that wants to open real discussions needs to admit the following;

  • Donald Trump LOST the 2020 election. No excuses, no obfuscating, just admit the truth.
  • Covid-19 vaccines save live and unvaccinated people are perpetuating the virus.

Simple ground rules as far as I am concerned because all the Conservative has to agree to is facts. Not a opinion. If we cannot agree on facts, what is the point of reference for any discussion