

This seems to be various ways the gay/bisexual community wants to self-identify. Strangely they want to parse their own identity into smaller and smaller categories. I do not get it. I really don’t.
It’s about LOVE. Quit trying to qualify it, period.

I am a male and I loved a female with all of my heart, to the point that I am having to figure out how to go forward.

I do not give a crap whom you are attracted to, whom you love. I do not care if it is heterosexual or homosexual or you try to come up with some cosmic attachment that transcends male or female. When all of the dust is settled and all of the crap has quit stinking, it is about LOVE. If you love someone, grab onto that person and hold on with all of your heart and soul.

Sexual preference, race, age, religion, and anything else that you think is a barrier is just plain BULLSHIT. Why? Because a minute of LOVE shared between two people is better than all of the prejudices and bullshit that anyone can serve up.

Hey, my LOVE was “normal” – a man (me) loving with all of my heart a woman (Sandy) who reciprocated that love every day. Somewhere along the way, I realized that I wasn’t alone and that others felt the same way I did (and do) and they were not always in the “standard” relationship.

It got me thinking! I wouldn’t trade one minute of my life with Sandy. In fact, I would give part of my life to have her back for even one single moment. How in the Hell could I be so selfish and insensitive as to think that a LBGTQ+ relationship be any less powerful, emotional, or important than mine?

I cannot. Anyone who can, especially those who quote scripture, need to get on their knees and pray for personal forgiveness because they still haven’t got Jesus’ real message.