Little Boots and the Economy

Recently an acquaintance of my wife said that he supported Trump because the economy was doing so well.  At first, my reaction was less than lovely.  I could not believe that someone was so darned stupid or naïve because obviously (at least to me) the problem with Little Boots was not about the economy but about him, personally and what he was doing to the country with his actions.

Then I decided to think about it some more and here are my thoughts:

Is it Just the Economy?

I do not know the individual, so I do not know if it is just the economy that is driving his approval.  I suspect not.  Why do I think that?  Simply because the economy was doing well before the POS took office and this person did not mention that the economy was continuing on a positive trend and continuing to improve.

No, he stated that under Little Boots the economy was doing so great.  It implied that he was supporting the POS merely because of how he handled the economy.

Without personal knowledge, along with my obvious bias, I suspect that this is more an excuse to support the rotten leader by finding some justification that avoids a discussion of the crappy aspects of his leadership.

Even if it is the Economy

You know, even if the economy is doing well under Little Boots’ leadership that is not enough.  Anyone who had ever read any of my postings about that craphead know that I have never discussed his politics.  I have always discussed his character, his personality, his attitude, his integrity, his maturity, and his sanity.  I find him lacking in all of these traits.

In regards to the economy, let us look into history for a couple of individuals I have equated him to in the past. 

Firstly, one of the praises the Italian people gave to Benito Mussolini in keeping him in power was the “…trains ran on time.”   This was to imply that he improved the services so very much that he deserved his dictatorship.

Secondly, and most obviously, is Hitler.  Look at the pre-Hitler economy and the economy during his administration; at least until the beginning of WWII.  Now, I will grant you that the economy was great during the first seven plus years of Hitler’s reign but are you really going to allow the argument that he deserved to be in office.  Not to me.  No way, no how.

It is not about the Economy

As I have stated from the beginning, my problems with Donald Trump are simple.  He is:

  1. Unqualified to be President – 19 months in office have not changed my opinion.
  2. Lacks even the level of honesty required of an officeholder to remain in office.
  3. Seems to be using his office for personal gain.
  4. Is a morally reprehensible person.

Notice I do not say a darned thing about his politics.  I think if you look at how he has stepped on and abused people in the past, you will see that I where I am coming from.

My Challenge

If you thing he is so good for the economy, I have a challenge for you.  Take your life’s savings and send it to “The Donald” with no strings attached as an investment and wait to see if you become a millionaire or a welfare king/queen.  Want to bet on which one you will be.

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